Stare Into Space

Short Story: Divination

I’ve gone and done a flash fiction. Actually, it’s the flashiest of flash and is massively little. Divination is published over at Ink, Sweat and Tears. As you’ve come to expect, it’s a little peculiar but, on the plus side, it is quite short. It’d be nice if you could pop off to read it. Then, […]

Mass Libel Reform Blog

Many of those reading this will be aware of Simon Singh, a writer who was sued for libel by the British Chiropractic Association over an article he published in his Guardian column during 2008. The case was followed pretty closely by many science and sceptic (or skeptic for our US cousins) writers and bloggers and […]

Short Story: In The Belly Of The Whale

My odd little short story, In The Belly Of The Whale, has been published in Schlock Magazine’s latest themed issue, The Sea. It’s available to view online: Schlock Magazine – The Sea. This link opens a PDF version of the issue which is rather nice. It’s crammed full of stories, with a smattering of poetry […]

Short Story: Original Sin

My short story, Original Sin has been published on Metazen and is currently available to read. I’d like it if you could take a look. You can read it here. If you like short/flash stories, you should definitely subscribe to Metazen as there’s always lots of consistently good stuff there. I’m off to find a corner […]

Never Say Monday Again

INT.  HAYES MEGALOMANIACAL GLOBAL DOMINATION HQ – MORNING GERRY, a ruggedly handsome, goatee-sporting rake in his 30’s (just), strides purposefully into the dispatching chamber. He stands at the bottom of the murder platform and crosses his manly arms. GERRY So, Monday... We meet again. MONDAY, strapped to the murder platform and whimpering like a girl, […]

The Problem With LEDs

My itty-bitty bit of flash fiction, The Problem With LEDs, has been published over at Metazen. It will also appear in the Metazen Christmas Story Book which is being sold for charity.  If you pop over and donate more than 15 Canadian dollars (via PayPal) on Metazen, you will receive a printed copy of the […]

British Short Screenplay Competition

I’ve just heard that my short, WILL, has made it through to the next round of the BSSC. Hurrah for me. Last year, I made it this far but no farther. I think it’s a better effort this year so I’m keeping my fingers crossed. Oh, and hurrah for me.

Nobody likes a smartarse penguin

The penguins glare at me from the shelf. A dozen of them, maybe more.  They glare and chatter in that penguiny way they have. “We have classics,” they gloat, “many, many classics.  Great works; wonderful, worthy works full of magnificent, moving, powerful prose.  Prose that changed the world, that shaped imaginations and perceptions and lives.  […]

I Sat Through That? – M. Night Shyamalan

I could have taken the lazy way out and written a column on each of three Shyamalan films for the next three weeks but, instead, I’ve done a triple-header.  So, pop over for a. longer than usual, column of Shyamalan bashing – specifically, The Happening, Signs and The Village. I Sat Through That? – M. […]

I Sat Through That? – Planet Of The Apes

New column available over on Flickering Myth.  This week, Planet Of The Apes.  Not the original, the one where Charlton Heston’s a dead, duplicitous, right-wing monkey with a gun as opposed to – oh, never mind. I Sat Through That? – Planet Of The Apes

keep looking »

Gerry Hayes

Gerry Hayes

I mostly sit around all day and drink tea. Occasionally, I write stuff and send it to strangers so they can humiliate me and deride my efforts. Other than the self-harm to dull the shame of failure, it's not a bad life. Like I say, there's tea.

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