Stare Into Space

Do you think I can get a research grant?

I’ve had a nasty cough and a cold for the last couple of weeks.  Bit bunged up and I’ve snorted enough Vicks Sinex that I’m sure my nostrils resemble Amy Winehouse’s.  In an effort to get rid of this nasty ailment, I’ve taken to drinking a considerable amount of beer every evening for the last […]


Part of me thinks this is cool but the wiser part of me acknowledges the incredible sadness of it. The other night, I had a dream. I dreamed that I was a sort of apprentice CTU agent and was working with Jack Bauer. He was showing me the ropes, so to speak. Things meandered along […]


I have returned from a small holiday on the west coast of this (sometimes) beautiful island of mine. Not literally mine of course. If it were, there would be far fewer people here and those that were here would mainly be pretty girls. I would only allow a small number of males and only those […]

Good Friday

To commemorate the death, by crucification, of Jesus Christ, the Irish people customarily mark the occasion by getting completely off their faces.  You see, due to some odd connection between the licencing laws and the Catholic church, pubs here are closed for only two days of the year.  On Christmas Day and on Good Friday […]

If you see a sheep, you’ve gone to far

Irish directions contain no absolutes. They are generally vague, ambiguous and completely relative to the point of view of the person giving them. I suspect it’s a hangover from a time when we didn’t need to go more than a mile or two from our homes to conduct any business that we may have had. […]

The End

I mentioned my wife and films in a previous post. I thought that I’d expand that and discuss a pet hate of hers when it comes to films however. She really, really, really hates it when films end. I don’t mean when they finish and the words ‘The End’ (or ‘Fin’ if it’s a posh […]

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Gerry Hayes

Gerry Hayes

I mostly sit around all day and drink tea. Occasionally, I write stuff and send it to strangers so they can humiliate me and deride my efforts. Other than the self-harm to dull the shame of failure, it's not a bad life. Like I say, there's tea.

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