Stare Into Space

I Sat Through That – 88 Minutes

An absolute masterclass in how not to write a screenplay.  Everything about it is bad.  If you’re a writer, watch 88 minutes and make sure you never do anything like it. It is that bad. 88 Minutes.  It really is bad.

I Sat Through That? – Deep Impact

No, not Armageddon, the other one.  You know, the one with Morgan Freeman as president.  I wonder did they want to see his birth certificate.  In reality, if Morgan Freeman were president and was trying to save the earth from a catastrophic cosmic impact capable of destroying all life, the streets would be full of […]


I have lost weight.  The paunch is gone and, while I’m no ripped, six-packed, hunk, I am, at least, no longer a podgy hunk.  I accomplished this feat through my Astonishing Weight-Loss System which is basically not eating so much shit and not drinking so much beer.  I wonder if I could pad it out […]

I Sat Through That? – The Break-Up

I’m not certain why this film affects me so profoundly but it certainly moves something deep within me.  I get angry; really, really angry just by thinking about it.  This film and all of its sullen, bleak baggage upsets the hell out of me and not in a snuffly, Old Yeller, something in my eye, […]

British Short Screenplay Competition

I’ve just heard that my short, WILL, has made it through to the next round of the BSSC. Hurrah for me. Last year, I made it this far but no farther. I think it’s a better effort this year so I’m keeping my fingers crossed. Oh, and hurrah for me.

I Sat Through That? – The Lord Of The Rings

Really. I am courting controversy.  I am sacred cow-tipping – sneaking up on it as it sleeps the long, drowsy sleep of the utterly bored and giving it a ruddy good shove.  The cow will emit a torpid, barely audible moo before falling on its bloated, special-edition, extended arse where it will sit lazily without […]

Nobody likes a smartarse penguin

The penguins glare at me from the shelf. A dozen of them, maybe more.  They glare and chatter in that penguiny way they have. “We have classics,” they gloat, “many, many classics.  Great works; wonderful, worthy works full of magnificent, moving, powerful prose.  Prose that changed the world, that shaped imaginations and perceptions and lives.  […]

I Sat Through That? – M. Night Shyamalan

I could have taken the lazy way out and written a column on each of three Shyamalan films for the next three weeks but, instead, I’ve done a triple-header.  So, pop over for a. longer than usual, column of Shyamalan bashing – specifically, The Happening, Signs and The Village. I Sat Through That? – M. […]


For the last two and a half weeks, I have been family guy.  I’ve been spending even more time with my little girl to keep her reassured during the lead-up to starting big school.  She actually started this morning and it all went remarkably smoothly – there were no tears from her and even my […]

Gerry Hayes

Gerry Hayes

I mostly sit around all day and drink tea. Occasionally, I write stuff and send it to strangers so they can humiliate me and deride my efforts. Other than the self-harm to dull the shame of failure, it's not a bad life. Like I say, there's tea.

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