Stare Into Space

The Rest Is Silence

Dark. Nothing. Not nothing. Faint and faraway, an electronic heartbeat. Rhythmic. Even. Then a voice, distant too, somewhere in the black. “…And then brain death will occur.” Sympathetic sounding; a nurse. I know it’s a nurse and I know I’m dying. No idea how. Know it, just know it. Suddenly cold. Not uncomfortable, just a […]

The Valley of Certain and Awful Fatigue

Hurrah and huzzah, for I have been in the mountains again. Ah-boo, for the journey included the terrible Valley of Certain and Awful Fatigue. That’s it pictured. Harmless looking, isn’t it? Pleasant, even. That’s how it fools you.  Then, it attacks your legs as you try, try, try to escape its clutches; fighting the valley […]

Lough Firrib

Managed to get out for a stroll in the hills last week. Lough Firrib is a tiny lake on a rocky plateau in the middle Wicklow.  For the most part, it’s possible to follow a brook up one valley, break off up a rocky slope to the lough, and head down another valley picking up […]

The Rewards of Minor Vigilantism

Very nice neighbours (those who were burgled last night) were incredibly, and unnecessarily, kind – earlier today, they dropped by with a bottle of wine and a box of posh chocolates as a way of saying ‘thank you’ for my Charles Bronson-like acts of bravery (see post below). Wife just sent daughter up to ask […]

The word ‘hero’ is thrown around a lot…

I’ve been chasing burglars. Literally. This evening, around 7:15, I was working in my attic eerie when I hear a sound like a bottle breaking. I also hear the sound of a, seemingly distant, house alarm.  This latter is not an unusual event so my brain pretty much ignored it.  I did get up from […]

Gerry Hayes

Gerry Hayes

I mostly sit around all day and drink tea. Occasionally, I write stuff and send it to strangers so they can humiliate me and deride my efforts. Other than the self-harm to dull the shame of failure, it's not a bad life. Like I say, there's tea.

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