Stare Into Space

Gandhi Goes To The Naughty Corner

Posted on | February 4, 2010 | 3 Comments

My daughter, who is now five and a half (definitely not five), has discovered non-violent protest.

When she’s aggrieved about something – or possibly just stropy – she now walks really, really slowly. And, clever girl that she is, she tends to engage in this disruptive behaviour when we need to actually go somewhere – generally when we’re late.

I say, “Come on, we’ll be late…”

And she starts walking in tiny steps, an inch at a time.  She’s like a protesting taxi-driver or French trucker.

It’s both annoying and amusing at the same time.

When I threaten her, she says, “There are many causes that I am prepared to go to the naughty corner for but no causes for which I am prepared to put someone in the naughty corner.”

She may have been reading-up on this.

I have sent a strongly-worded letter to Ben Kingsley.


Gerry Hayes

Gerry Hayes

I mostly sit around all day and drink tea. Occasionally, I write stuff and send it to strangers so they can humiliate me and deride my efforts. Other than the self-harm to dull the shame of failure, it's not a bad life. Like I say, there's tea.

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