Stare Into Space

Who says it’s unproductive?

If you’re thinking in a button-down, linear manner, you’d be forgiven for thinking I have not accomplished much over the last few days*.  Ostensibly, it may have looked like I’ve been lolling around, drinking beer and talking shite with my brother.  However, while it seemed thus to lazy-minded, superficial people, I was in fact carefully […]

I Sat Through That? – Meet The Parents

Possibly a controversial one this week as, for reasons utterly unfathomable to me, many people seem to think Meet The Parents is frickin’, head-falling-off, hilarious. It’s not. This week’s I Sat Through That is now available.

I’ve got the painters in

I mean literally.  It’s not a euphemism for brooding gloomily and snapping grumpily at all around just because I’m feeling a bit poorly.  Just get on with it ladies.  Christ, you’d think you’d be used to it at this stage.  Stop growling and scowling at me and get on with it.  If you feel you […]

I Sat Through That? – I, Robot

I, Robot?  No beer?  That’s not a recipe for a good evening.  Unless you like complaining, that is.  Guilty. In this week’s I Sat Through That? I consider I, Robot.  You know the one.  Yeah, the one with all the ads in it.  It’s got that Will Smith in it.  Yeah, him.  The ‘welcome to […]

Delicious? Darn tootin’, it’s delicious

Last week, I made some chutney.  Just a simple type of affair with some red peppers and a bundle of chillies and stuff.  It was the first time I made it but I was pretty sure I’d like it.  Stewed it up in a big pot and dipped in with a spoon every now and […]

I Sat Through That?

I Sat Through That? #2, in which I consider X Files: I Want To Believe, is now available over at Flickering Myth. It has spoilers, though.  Don’t read it if you intend to watch the film to its, wholly ridiculous, denouement. I can use words like ‘denouement’ now that I’m a big-shot critic.  In fact, […]


I fear I may be getting a cold. I blame my wife.  Or daughter.  I stay here at home, safe, sheltered while they’re both out in the world, ‘interacting’ with people – people with germs.  What am I to do?  I’ve tried putting one of those anti-bacterial gel dispenser things inside the front door, like […]

It’s easy to criticise…

…And fun too. I’ve begun writing a column over at Flickering Myth. “What?” you ask, “a column?  What’s this, Hayes?  You think you’re some sort of hot-shot, Giles Coren-type character now?  Think you’re too good for the rest of us?” The answer to these questions is, an emphatic, yes… yes I do. And, being honest, […]

Gerry Hayes

Gerry Hayes

I mostly sit around all day and drink tea. Occasionally, I write stuff and send it to strangers so they can humiliate me and deride my efforts. Other than the self-harm to dull the shame of failure, it's not a bad life. Like I say, there's tea.

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