Stare Into Space

Legend of the Liathmór

Irish mythology tells of the Liathmór, a vast and malign entity that would cover the entire world with a thick, grey ‘Blanket of Dispair’ for years at a time. The sun would be completely obscured and the people condemned to a cold and dismal subsistence. So long would the Liathmór’s blanket block the light that, indeed, […]

Reading: Kraken – China Miéville

So, I’m reading, I’m reading. Some peculiar bits and pieces but nothing too weird. Nice little story progressing. Get to around page sixty and WHAM! What the crap? Clive Barker bursts out of the cupboard (watch it) carrying a tin washtub filled with the entrails of grotesque and alien monsters who have no right to […]

Gerry Hayes

Gerry Hayes

I mostly sit around all day and drink tea. Occasionally, I write stuff and send it to strangers so they can humiliate me and deride my efforts. Other than the self-harm to dull the shame of failure, it's not a bad life. Like I say, there's tea.

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