Stare Into Space

Stone Tape Shuffle

So this arrived. Iain Sinclair: Stone Tape Shuffle. A collection of readings by Sinclair. It’s got stuff from Lud Heat, Suicide Bridge, Downriver and White Chappell, Scarlet Tracings and was recorded in various places around east London and the City. As well as location noise spill, it’s been mixed with plenty of weird sounds that weave […]

Nature, Not Nurture

You know that thing where a baby cries and cries and cries for ages and then… He stops. It’s quiet. Oh, thank Christ. He’s asleep, finally asleep. Your shoulders slowly relax. Your jaw unclenches. Then he starts crying again. He was toying with you. Cruelty is innate. On the other hand, yesterday, New Kid broke wind […]

Gerry Hayes

Gerry Hayes

I mostly sit around all day and drink tea. Occasionally, I write stuff and send it to strangers so they can humiliate me and deride my efforts. Other than the self-harm to dull the shame of failure, it's not a bad life. Like I say, there's tea.

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