Good Friday
Posted on | April 5, 2007 | 7 Comments
To commemorate the death, by crucification, of Jesus Christ, the Irish people customarily mark the occasion by getting completely off their faces. You see, due to some odd connection between the licencing laws and the Catholic church, pubs here are closed for only two days of the year. On Christmas Day and on Good Friday you can’t get a pint in a pub.
Never ones to take such an affront to their human rights sitting down, the Irish people will flock in their multitudes to off-licences around the country today. Vast hordes of people will buy far more beer than they can possibly consume in one day purely because someone has told them they can’t drink tomorrow.
It is the Irish way. Tell us we can’t do something and we have to do it. Especially drink. I’m off to the offie for 6 crates of beer and a bottle of Tia Maria.
Maundy Thursday night in Galway city – not for the fainthearted. I could’ve been hallucinating but I swear I saw a funnel once. Mind how you go.
Some pubs close on Good Friday.
Bock, what do you know? Care to share with the rest of the class?
Do you not find after all that necessary alcohol that Good Friday turns into Bad Saturday which means you have to have a hair of the dog thus creating Better Sunday?
Would that it were so, RM. I’m afraid that for someone of my advanced years (i.e. no longer in their twenties), a night’s drinking necessitates a much longer recovery period. Gone are the days when I could drink until six in the morning and then get up for work at seven. I’m finding I require longer and longer periods of time between piss-ups.
I expect that soon the recovery time will exceed a week, thereby effectively ‘lapping’ myself.
Ha! Yes I know what you mean. I’ve almost in my recent advanced years (currently running at 40 – oh I feel sick!) and especially since being a mother find myself being quite unable to be ‘rock’ at all. Perhaps I should change my name to wussmother – that might be more appropriate. Yes, long gone are the days I could stay up all night drinking and chatting, grab an hours kip, get up, go to work and do it all over again. Now – it’s a two day hangover after 3 large glasses of wine which I suppose equates to 5 normal glasses which is almost a bottle so I’m not surprised really!
How sad are we? Think of all the spry twenty-somethings reading this, sitting around drinking vodka and Red Bull and smoking E’s (or something). They think we’re a right bunch of losers.
We know though. We know that Old Father Time will soon do the same to them. Soon their 28-inch waists will begin to slowly grow. Soon they’ll have a little bit more trouble getting out of bed in the morning and then, before they know it’s even happening, they’ll be us. I find it comforting really. It’s the circle of life.